DSoft was a pivotal partner in moving a legacy application running on Windows 2003 to Windows 2019. Coming in cold with no internal resource to help, DSoft’s developer navigated the code changes, database connections, DNS, and firewall issues with my team efficiently and without drama, and she made code corrections and bug fixes quickly. Their account manager removed an unnecessary member of their team without drama, saving time and money. DSoft is a partner I trust.
After using the new FLIGHT program I will say entering the data is A LOT more user friendly! The data fields are easy to use and enter the information...
Through the operational use of the app we have been able to rapidly assess protection responsibility and values at risk. Additionally, the app has enabled us to share a common operating picture amongst responders of operational preattack information such as fuel breaks and indirect dozer lines.
"DSoft Technology configured Power BI for Nation's Finest leaders to more easily slice and understand demographic data by geographic area and trends over time. This is a powerful capability to inform investment decisions that will serve Veterans where their needs are greatest."
The contractor team … did an exceptional job during the final 10 months … of the contract. They managed the volume, tempo, quantity, and quality of deliverables for this multi-dimensional AFSPC/A9A and A3/6Z modeling and simulation task including overseeing a geographically dispersed team with multiple subcontractors, an extensive number of technical reports, and software deliverables. With assistance from their subcontractors, they understood AFSPC/A9A and A3/6Z’s mission providing technically sound, timely and innovative solutions and appropriate high-octane personnel to perform A9A’s and A3/6Z’s technical taskings. The contract's Task Order (TO) lead, from the DSoft Technology Company, managed the effort both technically and administratively. The TO lead clearly understood and effectively managed the interrelationships between cost, technical scope and schedule for a deliverable-based task order. The government had no issues with quality control or deliverable quality and all deliverables were acceptable without concerns. The contractor was proactive in identifying potential issues resulting from government re-organizations and changing requirements and also put solutions in place to mitigate project risks ensuring 100% successful delivery. Requirements and risks were carefully managed by conducting weekly status meetings and frequent communications via telecon, in-person, meeting minutes, trip reports, status reports, etc. The overall quality of services provided by the contractor was very good.
Please thank your design team for their dedicated effort working through the growing pains of creating WinDocker compatible containers. It’s impressive to see how proficient and committed your DSoft Technology MASE (Military Applications for Space Entities) team members are.
Work completed by the contractor was of top quality. Contractor was very thorough and conscientious throughout the software development process. From time to time identified areas of improvement for the software lifecycle process, which resulted in enhanced testing procedures and more complete impact analysis. Worked very well with customer and kept them involved and focused on the development of their software…They managed their time very well and were very fair about their rates.
We'll be going live with new O365 SharePoint site in the next couple of days. Just wanted to thank you for the great job you did!
Excellent work by your team David H. DSoft is a great example of application delivery and migration services done well. Many thanks to you entire team!
From my perspective the DSoft Team has been doing exceptional work, and has done an outstanding job integrating into the program. They have embraced the program’s priorities and made them their own. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect with a new company and a new group of people with a separate contract, but I honestly don’t think it could have gone better so far.
After winning our competitive solicitation, we have found D-Soft to be very professional, responsive to our needs, and easy to work with. We look forward to retaining them for both ongoing support and new projects in the years to come.
Working with DSoft Technology has been a pleasure. Not only were they able to build a site that met our original scope of work, but they helped us make it look and function much better than we imagined at the project's start. A big part of our project's success is due to the ease of working with DSoft's staff. We could get in touch with them, talk through our requests, and then they completed the work in a timely manner to meet our deadlines. We are very happy with the final outcome.
I was using the new CSP a couple of weeks ago. It is a thing of beauty. I haven't worked with many people that could take very general ideas and come back with a home run over and over...
In retrospect, there is no way we could have implement HSConnects with the speed and ease had we not hired DSoft Technology. They provided leadership and insight that far surpassed our expectations. More importantly, they helped us navigate system wide change, which many times can impede project success. If you are implementing or have plans to implement HSConnects within your county, I implore you to hire DSoft Technology to provide project and change management services. Their expertise will be worth every penny, and more.
A short message to say that I called Michele this morning to convey my appreciation for all their hard work in this project. My team and I have great peace of mind knowing your company is making this 8-year goal of ours finally come alive.
DSoft Technology has raised the bar in all our efforts and exceeded all PWS requirements. Our working relationships have been second to none. They understand our requirements and are constantly trying to learn more about our organization so that they can provide even more value. I have worked with contracts and contractors for more than 20 years as a COTR, Contracts Manager, Procurement Analyst, Contract Specialist and Primary QAE. I have never worked with a Defense Contractor that had the same high standards of professional ethics, impeccable business practices, and customer-satisfaction focus as I have experience with DSoft. They are especially responsive to fixing problems created by other Government systems/networks/issues, so as to maximize the operational availability of our systems. They are any QAE's dream contractor. They are 100% trustworthy in everything they do. Their performance makes all other Contractors look incompetent and inefficient. They are truly performance-based in their approach to meeting customer requirements, and always deliver products that go well beyond PWS requirements and customer expectations. HQ AFSPC/A9 could not have achieved the Space Analysis Resource Portal (SARP) capabilities we have today had we not had DSoft as our core developer, integrator and maintainer. Anyone having an opportunity to work with DSoft should do so without hesitation.
...I know I gush all the time about how wonderful you folks are to work with, but AB really did a great job on the search bar and blog.
...I'd like to recognize [her] efforts in support of the WTIC program. [Your researcher's] contributions have been invaluable, as she has consistently gone above and beyond on all her project tasks.
CSP was used daily and we became confident enough with it to bring it in front of the AFSPC Corporate Group. I finally had time to open the Test Design and results attachments. The deliberate approach that was taken in the development of the test plan and the documentation of the test execution are to be commended. As a former Operational Tester I appreciate the effort required to conduct such a detailed plan and the skill required to cover all the bases in the conduct of a test. I wanted your team to know your efforts paid off in spades and Steve and I as well as our A8XK customer appreciated them.
Much of the reliability and usability of the GPSOC's automated data systems would not have been possible without the depth and breadth of software and IT knowledge that the team has brought to our organization. DSoft's implementation of workflow improvements, upgrades to existing user interfaces, and outstanding documentation of the system have been instrumental in the GPSOC's ability to keep up with evolving and expanding user expectations.
The GUI FileMan Reporting Tool project live meeting presentation yesterday was impressive. We applaud DSoft's work to finish this much needed mechanism to efficiently and accurately access crucial data that is currently only acquired through time-intensive, manual means, not to mention, subject to human error. The potential use of this tool is widespread across numerous VA programs on the micro (interdepartmental), mezzo (Service Chiefs/administrators/coordinators) and macro levels (Medical Center Directors/Network/VACO). This is ideal for any program that utilizes VistA data such as Suicide Prevention, Community Living Center, Home Based Primary Care, Community Residential Care, Contract Nursing Home, Health Care for Homeless Veterans, Specialty Care clinics, Cancer/Oncology programs, Performance Improvement, etc.). Examples of use would include Suicide Prevention High Risk Flagged patients, appointment "no-show" tracking, scheduling future patient appointments within stringent time parameters, mailing lists, admissions/discharges, etc. The time appears to be ripe for this implementation, particularly with those affected by reduction in force circumstances. Again, many thanks to all for the development of such a versatile tool.
Logged on to ReACT and see the potential Linkage to AFI 90-201 - Awesome tool! I really like the color-coordinated assessment of criticality and complexity, how it is intuitive for those familiar with standard risk management. I see a potential benefit in looking at the items identified in Attachment 3 of AFI 90-201 which was just re-published last fall. It contains the items that the HAF/SAF functionals have identified as having the highest risk of mission impact due to undetected non-compliance - or something like that. Bottom line: the 31 functionals have identified what they think are important and must be inspected every 2 years. In your tool I believe these would nicely map to the red and orange categories. Just something to consider... Great job!
Thanks for getting back to me James. I now have an account and I must say this site is absolutely AWESOME. Thanks again. I think with CYBER M&S getting into this site it will be a huge win/win for the integration of Space and Cyber M&S for exercises especially.
Theresa did a spectacular job on this. Compared to other similar documents that we had originally tried to do in-house, the differences were like night and day. Her work was far superior to anything that we could have done ourselves and it was very obvious that the finished product was written by a professional technical writer. Theresa had no problem fitting it with our branch and working with the code developers and technical personnel. She learned to run the tool as well as any of us to make sure that she had a full understanding of its functionality. In fact, we are so pleased with the results, that we have asked for her support in 2011 to document the A9AA Ballistic Launch Development Environment (BLADE) tool.
Obtaining credible models for space was regarded as a void for the entire M&S and Space community. I continually heard there are not any good space models. With the implementation of the SARP, and the quality of the products it contains, I am able to refute the claims. The SARP is an excellent source to direct testers and analysts to use to find information and points of contact. Use of M&S in T&E has not achieved its full potential and the SARP can be an agent for change.
The DSoft Technology team provided a rapid turn-around and mutually beneficial subcontract between our companies. The AFSPC end customer was extremely satisfied with the process and by all accounts, this is a very successful and efficient process to help enhance tools such as GIANT. One of our enhancements is benefitting warfighters in the field. DSoft Technology has been responsive to both government and contractors, making it a truly a one team effort.
EXCELLENT!!!!! Brilliant solution to a complicated problem! Our quicklook [report] reveals this version picks up a lot more matches. The AFSCN and SATOPS PE to system matches are easy to accomplish with the drop down. We are very happy!
Work completed by the contractor was of top quality. Contractor was very thorough and conscientious throughout the software development process. From time to time identified areas of improvement for the software lifecycle process, which resulted in enhanced testing procedures and more complete impact analysis. Worked very well with customer and kept them involved and focused on the development of their software. They managed their time very well and were very fair about their rates.
The DSoft Team received the maximum incentive fee for Year 1 of the contract. They met all performance goals: rebuilt the GPSOC web sites, updated and received approval on the network architecture, hardware, software, and firmware documentation, increased the GPSIS availability, automated data feeds for the GPS Architectural Evolution Program, readied the GPS squadron for the ORI, and provided generally all the IT support for GPSOC. They provided incident response for all anomalies and incidents as well as provided customer support to world-wide customers. They have been singled out by our USAF customers as the go-to-guys to get IT issues under control and make the next steps towards automation and security compliance.
This has been a big couple weeks - 1 By Youth.com, Micah.com, and changes to Workcamps.com and Week of Hope.com! Thanks for all your help -- for keeping on schedule, for navigating internal processes with IT, for being super responsive, and for your great attitudes and customer service. It has been awesome working with you! 1ByYouth.com phase 2 and LifetreeAdventures.com here we come!
After a competitive bid process, the CSPD contracted with DSoft Technology to build a field reporting system. The DSoft Technology project team provided outstanding technical and management support throughout all project phases. DSoft Technology applied quality-oriented development methodologies that resulted in a stable and scalable product for the City of Colorado Springs. DSoft staff were flexible and conscientious about our funding and scheduling requirements. This is a rare quality in contracting firms.
On both projects, personnel from DSoft Technology demonstrated a great attitude, excellent technical competency and outstanding customer support. Their excellent support in developing and maintaining both LISN and OSCARS 2000 was instrumental in our branch's highly successful ability to perform spacelift and constellation analysis. I would select DSoft Technology again if given the opportunity.
This project required extensive planning and precise execution. We are extremely proud of the collaboration that happened between so many areas of our company to make the vision a reality. This was another example of the great things we can accomplish as a team. Thank you for your dedication and hard work in making the Eastern Distribution Center project a success.
You played a big role in the ecommerce project. Especially during the time you kept the fire burning while we went off and fixed Whitelands. You drove the business to the decision to move ecommerce to Riverville instead of Whitelands and that turned out to be a great call! Thanks for everything you did for our project and our company. Also thanks for the support as we worked through the challenging DC projects.
Also top of the list I once asked your team to tackle a project critical to the warfighter I expected it to take a week to implement. They had the program up and running in just a couple of hours. Ensuring mission success in the War on Terror, that program continues to be used today six months later and we have had no problems with it.
I have turned to DSoft on several occasions for my technology services needs. I find their technical competence to be world class and their integrity beyond reproach. I always get everything I paid for (and a little more) with DSoft.
I wanted to let you know that I think Vera is an incredible employee, one of the best Software Engineers I have ever had the pleasure of working with. I was having a problem with the SilverPop XML interface and she figured it out in minutes (yet another undocumented requirement).
My overall impression of the DSoft team is very positive. All have been professional and courteous in my direct exchanges with them. Great team, great leader, and I appreciate the hard work and sacrifices from you and the rest of the DSoft support.
DSoft has continued to consistently deliver excellent service, within promised timelines and cost, on both maintenance or troubleshooting of existing systems and development of new features or modules... I have been most impressed with DSoft’s consistently timely, efficient, and competent response to ad hoc requests for “tweaks” to the sites to ensure both internet and intranet continue to meet the needs of ITS stakeholders and staff and remain performant, accessible, and reliable.