TFMS Simulation Capability
The FAA/TSC project is an effort to enhance the TFMS Simulation Capability (TSC). TFMS provides information processing support for FAA traffic management personnel as they coordinate the use of the NAS and respond to conditions of excess demand. TFMS receives information on planned and active flights, generates forecasts of demand from current time to several hours ahead, presents this information to Traffic Management Personnel, and provides automation support for the traffic management initiatives to resolve or relieve congestion. The overall goal of enhancing the TSC is to provide dynamic simulations that will allow users to interact with a simulation for the purposes of conducting Human-in-The-Loop (HITL) studies. By allowing users to inject changes to aircraft flight characteristics (departure time, route of flight, etc.) at runtime, they can influence traffic flows. In this way researchers will be able to design and run experiments, analyze the results, and develop improvements to the flow of air traffic. One example is to develop better procedures to reroute flights in the event of weather hazards. DSoft Technology implemented four new features within the TSC code base that will further the advancement of this effort.
- Data Analytics and Visualization
- Test and Evaluation
Federal Aviation Administration