GPSOC IT Support
DSoft Technology provided IT and software development support to the GPS Operations Center (GPSOC). The GPSOC provides a single center of excellence for user support and GPS constellation operations. DSoft Technology provided all aspects of GPSOC IT support and system maintenance for mission critical operations by performing data management, distributed to authorized users and integration with other systems. Our properly architected and maintained IT systems provide significant automation to the GPSOC for daily operations and products, saving time and manpower while improving capacity and quality of service to customers worldwide. Support consists of:
- Configuration control and management of APDE equipment and databases.
- Enhancements, maintenance, general system/network administration, modernization and Verification and Validation (V&V) of GPS Information System (GPSIS) software suite and GPS Information Network (GIN) which includes multiple servers, web-enabled SQL Server databases and associated hardware and support architecture. All critical GIN components have hot backups with failover.
- Development of customized SharePoint site to support crew log activities.
- GPSOC website design, development, V&V and maintenance for three websites (one site on NIPRNet and two on SIPRNet).
- Integration of the GPSIS software with Architecture Evolution Plan (AEP).
- IT planning, IT design, testing and validation, component installation, component diagnostics/troubleshooting, enterprise network management, hardware and software handling/accountability, procurement, technical refresh, network administration, systems administration, storage administration, enterprise network and security operations.
- Information assurance/computer network defense, user training, and web applications. Information assurance services such as anti-virus installation, network monitoring and growth management.
- SCIF development and accreditation while maintaining the mission hardware and connectivity configuration management system.
- 24/7 Operational support for mission-critical GPS help desk for all Armed Services.
- Website Development
- IT Enterprise Services
GPS Operations Center (GPSOC)
Much of the reliability and usability of the GPSOC's automated data systems would not have been possible without the depth and breadth of software and IT knowledge that the team has brought to our organization. DSoft's implementation of workflow improvements, upgrades to existing user interfaces, and outstanding documentation of the system have been instrumental in the GPSOC's ability to keep up with evolving and expanding user expectations.
[The DSoft Team] have been singled out by our USAF customers as the go-to-guys to get IT issues under control and make the next steps towards automation and security compliance.